By Len Staller
Embedded Systems Design
(02/24/05, 05:24:00 PM EST)
Embedded Systems Design
(02/24/05, 05:24:00 PM EST)
Signal-to-noise and distortion
Signal-to-noise and distortion (SiNAD) offers a more complete picture by including the noise and harmonic distortion in one specification. SiNAD gives a description of how the measured signal will compare to the noise and distortion. You can calculate the SiNAD ratio using Equation 6.
SiNAD = 20 log | V1 / √V22 + V23 + … + V2n + V2noise
(Equation 6)
Spurious-free dynamic range
Finally, spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) is the difference between the magnitude of the measured signal and its highest spur peak. This spur is typically a harmonic of the measured signal but doesn't have to be. SFDR is shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR)