These are usually integrated circuits. Most converters sample with 6 to 24 bits of resolution, and produce fewer than 1 mega sample per second. Thermal noise generated by passive components such as resistors masks the measurement when higher resolution is desired. For audio applications and in room temperatures, such noise is usually a little less than 1 μV (micro volt) of white noise. If the Most Significant Bit corresponds to a standard 2 volts of output signal, this translates to a noise-limited performance that is less than 20~21 bits, and obviates the need for any dithering. Mega- and gig sample per second converters are available, though (Feb 2002). Mega sample converters are required in digital video cameras, videos capture cards, and TV tuner cards to convert full-speed analog video to digital video files. Commercial converters usually have ±0.5 to ±1.5 LSB error in their output.
In many cases the most expensive part of an integrated circuit is the pins, because they make the package larger, and each pin has to be connected to the integrated circuit's silicon. To save pins, it's common for slow ADCs to send their data one bit at a time over a serial interface to the computer, with the next bit coming out when a clock signal changes state, say from zero to 5V. This saves quite a few pins on the ADC package, and in many cases, does not make the overall design any more complex. (Even microprocessors which use memory-mapped IO only need a few bits of a port to implement a serial bus to an ADC.)
Commercial ADCs often have several inputs that feed the same converter, usually through an analog multiplexer. Different models of ADC may include sample and hold circuits, instrumentation amplifiers or differential inputs, where the quantity measured is the difference between two voltages.