Sunday, February 1, 2009


Digital word comes from word Digitus in greek means fingers. when we counted a normal person fingers usually the total numbers are 10. Number 10 consist of two numbers that is 1 and 0. Therefore digital be depiction from a number conditon only consist of number 1 and 0 and called binary number. Only consist of two digits, that is 1 and 0 or has only two status or two conditons that is on and off, or high and low.

Usually number 0 or logic 0 equal to voltage 0V DC and number 1 or logic 1 equal to voltage 5V DC, when does the voltage between 0V and 5V must at pull-up to 5V be logic 1 or at pull-down to 0V be logic 0. digital signal form likes pulse, mean between signal parts is seen to falter. Above part is described as logic 1 and part thereunder described as logic 0.

In digital system we often hear words sampling rate, bit rate, quantization, resolution. sampling rate total sample that taken in 1 second, for example sampling rate 44,1 singks means total sample that taken in 1 second 44.100 sample. While bit rate total data bit that flow in 1 second, for example 128 kbps mean 128000 bit/s or 128000 bit in 1 second.

A digital system uses discrete discontinuous values, usually but not always symbolized numerically hence called "digital" to represent information for input, processing, transmission, storage, etc. By contrast, non-digital or analog systems use a continuous range of values to represent information. Although digital representations are discrete, the information represented can be either discrete, such as numbers, letters or icons, or continuous, such as sounds, images, and other measurements of continuous systems.

The word digital is most commonly used in computing and electronics, especially where real-world information is converted to binary numeric form as in digital audio and digital photography. Such data-carrying signals carry electronic or optical pulses, the amplitude of each of which represents a logical 1 (pulse present and/or high) or a logical 0 (pulse absent and/or low).

Sophisticated device, like computer, in processor has series binary calculation complex. In easy description, binary process likes lamp electric switch, has 2 conditions, that is off (0) and on (1). Universe conditions as a whole profess this digital system. In equator hemisphere, appearance day and evening a real phenomenon. According to psychologies, human formed with two in character, that is good and bad. Concept Yin and Yang which actually also come into contact with this digital concept.

References :
  1. Andino Maseleno, Kamus istilah komputer dan informatika,,